Bupleurum Falcatum Extract Powder Chinese Thorowax Root Extract

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Xi' an Realin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Business Type:Manufacturer


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Product Information


Bupleurum is propagated from seed in spring or by root division in autumn and requires well-drained soil and plenty of sun. The root is unearthed in spring and autumn. Distribution mainly in Chinese provinces such as Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Henan and Shaanxi.

1. Numerous components of bupleurum root have shown anti-inflammatory activity in a wide variety of animal models;
2. Bupleurum root extracts protected rat livers from chemical insults, leading researchers to conclude that members of this species, have potential as broad spectrum antiphepatic agants;
3. Bupleurum root saponins, like other saponin-rich herbs, show potent heart and blood vessel protective effects. They have been shown to inhibit the formation of lipid peroxides in the cardiac muscle or in the liver, influence the function of enzymes contained in them. Decrease blood coagulation, cholesterol and sugar levels in blood, stimulate the immunity system;
4. Researchers have also determined that bupleurum root enhances macrophage cell activity.

1. Pharmaceutical;
2. Health care products;
3. Cosmetics and other fields.

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